Tag: economics
True Markets: Contemporary Economics
In this essay, I aim to explore a few key points. First, the era of “bigger is more efficient” has long passed. Small, dynamic organizations are now far more efficient and practical. Gatekeeping, a legacy of large corporations, is holding us back. We need our governments to stop protecting assets from us and instead focus…
Inflation . What is it?
Inflation is a tool of the capitalist. Or just a random thing that happens in a complex system of interacting…h.hh.t.yt,6u
High Anxieties doco – the mathematics of Chaos (BBC 2008)
Documentary from the BBC just when the GFC was unfolding. It was obviously in the works beforehand and covers how the determinist idea of mathematics was fractured by chaos theory and the “butterfly effect”. The last segment with Lovelock (from Gaia theory fame) and how we are on a slope of climate change rather than…
Why the rich get richer and the poor poorer
Luck determines the winners and losers of society, not merit or hard work. Those that start out with more get more, and those that start with little often fall through the gaps. Inequality is not only caused by the human inventions of rent, profit and interest but also by a quirk of the economic…