Month: April 2021

  • The Age of Idleness

    The Age of Idleness

    We stand idle in the heat  Crammed onto a platform waiting for a train delayed by 10 minutes The  platform is overcrowded  move down the platform, move down the platform the announcer keeps saying To where I wonder I have spent the last 8 hours idly moving data around a spreadsheet something a computer could…

  • Decentralised UBI with stable coin and uses – DemoKratia

    Decentralised UBI with stable coin and uses – DemoKratia

    Integrated decentralised Guaranteed Income (GI) of 30k (K30,000), with a full-Ampleforth scaled stable coin, face recognition based verification of unique identity  + Idena (flip tests) sweep to weed out fake accounts. Demurrage and flow siphon (transaction tax) to control inflation. Automated self-lending (DeFi) service, coin/token/fiat exchange, pay per use social media. And social money for…