Fluid Democratia – decentralised society

Abstract Fluid Democratia is a fully integrated decentralised socio/economic system based on a decentralised ledger. It incorporates a new currency, universal income, P2P lending, currency exchange, Land registry, and liquid democratic resources and infrastructure management. The purpose is to create a parallel system to the current  hierarchical organisational structure. The aim is true freedom with… Read More Fluid Democratia – decentralised society

Leisure not work is our true calling – Betrand Russell in Praise of Idleness

Not long ago leisure was held in greater esteem than work. Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, De Tocqueville and more recently Barry Jones all saw work as a necessary toil but something to be avoided, it was leisure not work that lead to great insights, true understanding and wisdom. From the quiet contemplation of one’s surrounding, the passive absorption… Read More Leisure not work is our true calling – Betrand Russell in Praise of Idleness