Leisure not work is our true calling – Betrand Russell in Praise of Idleness

Not long ago leisure was held in greater esteem than work. Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, De Tocqueville and more recently Barry Jones all saw work as a necessary toil but something to be avoided, it was leisure not work that lead to great insights, true understanding and wisdom. From the quiet contemplation of one’s surrounding, the passive absorption… Read More Leisure not work is our true calling – Betrand Russell in Praise of Idleness

Is giving a gift more morally decent than contracting an exchange?

I ask this question in part because of my recent experience with crowd funding, the idea behind crowd funding is to support some ones idea, project, or invention by giving them some money. They may promise to give a gift in return but there is no contractual agreement to provide a product or service in return… Read More Is giving a gift more morally decent than contracting an exchange?